Content Design - Rich product content in the context of the target group.

Incorporate product content creation into your PXM value chain.

With content design, you create the basis for inspiring product content and a convincing customer journey.

The availability of rich, creative content has become essential to the content marketing strategies of many brands. In the future, content marketing should be an integral part of the strategy of e-commerce companies in particular. This is because the buyers from the media production or content creation sector are usually numerous: marketing, social media, email marketing and traditional advertising are just a few. Often, the need for content marketing only becomes apparent during operational content planning. Time and budget are then often too tight for creation. As a result, design, branding and conversion suffer. Thus, opportunities are missed to create impulses in the business, to win new customers and to achieve long-term goals.

With Content Design from forbeyond, content managers can meet the requirements of your company even better and create good content more efficiently. On the one hand, Content Design is oriented towards the requirements of the target group. It is very much about visual elements and textual content. People like to talk about storytelling, which is primarily intended to inspire the user. The customer is therefore the focus. In addition, metadata and technical parameters must be taken into account when creating content. In this way, web design, user experience, various tools and, last but not least, the content marketers, who are responsible for the activities at Google for better ranking, also benefit.

Conception of content design and later media production, content creation, are based on our content maturity model.

Initial Content: with material and master data at the start

Initial content is already created during product development or is provided by the supplier. As a rule, this is material and master data that is required to make the product digitally available. Systems and processes in the company are enabled. Thus, production can take place or content about design and material can be transmitted to product management or sourcing. The information is hardly suitable for marketing and is not part of a content marketing strategy.

Essential Content: Product Content makes the product marketable

The first building block of content relevant to content marketing is essential content. It is created with a focus on the product. The product is presented with a rather neutral visual design, added values are highlighted and described in such detail and close to reality that the customer can make a safe purchase decision. Here, the company has to balance between conversion optimization and avoidance of returns. Initial content can be used for a wide range of target groups.

Creative Content: the right context for target group and use

With creative content, the product is staged in a context. This can be a target group or buyer persona, but it can also be concrete use cases or creative stagings for content marketing. Video and visually sophisticated images for social media play a larger role. The need often arises in marketing. Content creation faces different challenges than initial content.

Third-party content: Interpretation with user-generated content

Social media, but also reviews and 2nd-hand platforms such as e-Bay live from the fact that users create the necessary content themselves. However, retailers, marketplaces, test reports, editorial departments, etc. also constantly create content, the quality and context of which is sometimes not oriented to the target group, the design or the strategy of the company. This digital content should also ideally be used for the company's own content marketing.

Content marketing helps to inspire your target group. Content design creates a reliable basis for this.

Consistent product communication along the customer journey

As a rule, purchasing decisions are no longer made on the basis of a simple impulse. Along the customer journey, buyers receive several impulses via a wide variety of touchpoints such as online stores, online marketing, TV, video, or social media. Content design bundles the most diverse requirements, transfers them into processes, and thus supports the content marketing strategy.

Individual, personalized customer dialog

The requirements of target groups, customer segments or personas for the presentation of products sometimes differ greatly. The different requirements can be mapped in text and image concepts. With the customer content clusters, we structure the most diverse sources and simplify the content creation processes. At the same time, we ensure that the content is available for specific target groups.

Content guidelines as production briefing

During the conception phase, the required images, texts, videos, etc. are defined and visually represented in content guidelines at category level. On this basis, coordination can take place with the teams for marketing, brand, social media channels and others in the company. The final version is then also used for briefing suppliers and specialist departments. The guidelines are developed step by step and adapted as required.



Critical to success for digitization in marketing

Content creation is often still based on traditional advertising media such as high-circulation flyers and catalogs. Even if their relevance continues to decline in favor of digital advertising and web stores, the implementation of the digital strategy in media production is still pending. With content design from forbeyond, you also transform media production in your company. The evaluation of content automation is also part of the conceptual service.

forbeyond lays the foundation for efficient media production and flexible content deployment

Originally, forbeyond focused on product information management. In the meantime, we offer significantly more services that also establish a connection to content marketing. With Product Experience Management, Content Design and Classification Design, we now work with our customers to develop the right strategy for holistic content marketing and efficient content creation.

Content design is a very relevant building block in this context. In order to cover this segment even better, we have strengthened our team with specialists who were responsible for large parts of content creation at Zalando and Otto, for example. With our model of customer content clusters, we match the requirements of target groups, personas, style groups and products in a uniform logic. On this basis, individualized content can be created and distributed to the touchpoints via a PIM system.

Retailers, manufacturers and organizations from a wide range of industries already rely on our support for their content marketing strategy. We look forward to hearing from you!

>> Bootcamp: Content Design in a Nutshell

We also offer a condensed boot camp for developing your content strategy in your own company. Included are interesting content, know-how from practice and the dos and don'ts for successful content design. Ensure the achievement of your content marketing goals!

>> Product Experience Management: Content Design is an Integral Part of PXM

Systems, teams and processes alone do not create a data experience. Digital content is the powerful link between products and customers. But content alone can't go online either. Get excited about the power of holistic PXM!

>> Classification design: hand in hand with content design

By classifying your products, you not only lay the foundation for functions in the online store and efficient data maintenance in content management. Classification Design also creates the structured basis for content marketing formats and content automation. Discover Classification Design now!

Person die über Daten nachdenkt

The first impression the customer gets of a product or brand is often decisive. Good content design is the best call-to-action.

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